An uproarious comic, in which a novel duel by shrapnel is seen, the shells being strapped on the back of each combatant and hammers provided. The two have a most exciting time. Some clever trick...
01 – Visita (Roma, 26/10/1967) Nella basilica di San Pietro, in Vaticano, Papa Paolo VI ed il Patriarca di Costantinopoli Atenagora partecipano a una cerimonia religiosa per avvicinare la chie...
To be able to have a girl's hand Kelly asks to be asks to be drafted in troops in Libya
Story of a horse of the Italian army in Libya called Rataplan, wounded, treated and then shipped to Italy where is sold to a Coachman.
La S.V. è invitata a recarsi in codesto ufficio per ricevere ordini di partenza per l'Italia Chiamata alle armi classe 1888 did. 2 Maria con il fidanzato recandosi al consolato italiano sono insul...
La S.V. è invitata a recarsi in codesto ufficio per ricevere ordini di partenza per l'Italia Chiamata alle armi classe 1888 did. 2 Maria con il fidanzato recandosi al consolato italiano sono insul...
Feature film on an episode of love and heroism of an Italian girl rescuing his beloved from his imprisonment
General Nivelle gives the cross of war to Italian officers and soldiers Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta, Generals Nivelle, Cadorna and Porro visit the troops
The story of Silvio Pellico who was arrested on the charge of carbonarism and conveyed to the Santa Margherita prison, then moved to the Piombi at Venice The sentence of death pronounced on him in Feb...
Newsreel on the so called Italian imperial war in Libia
The story of Silvio Pellico who was arrested on the charge of carbonarism and conveyed to the Santa Margherita prison, then moved to the Piombi at Venice. The sentence of death pronounced on him in Fe...
Imperial army arriving in Grado and Udine after Caporetto battle
The Italian Naval Fleet in Thessaloniki and the Allied Army
Italian Parliament votes the entry into the war
The Italian Naval Fleet in Thessaloniki and the Allied Army